Saturday 10 August 2013

Shahryar Khan does a U-turn on his Dawood remark - Times of India

Debarjun Saha | 11:19 |
LONDON: In a complete U-turn, Shahryar Khan has retracted his candid admission that Dawood Ibrahim has been living in Pakistan.

Khan, who is now Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's special envoy to India, had said on Friday that Dawood, India's most wanted man, "was in Pakistan but has been chased away".

Clearly under pressure from the Pakistani government who has all along denied that Dawood has been living there, Khan, who is now Islamabad's pointman for track-II dialogue with New Delhi, said, "I have never, even when I was in the foreign ministry or now known where Dawood Ibrahim lives. I am only reflecting what the Pakistani press has been saying about the gentleman."

"The ministry of interior would have probably known but the foreign ministry does not. I have no idea whether he is in Pakistan or if he ever has been there," Khan said.

He added that if Dawood was in Pakistan, he would have been arrested by now.

How ever, on Friday, Khan was categorical that Dawood has been living in Pakistan. Replying to a pointed question by the TOI, Khan even said he believes Dawood in now in the UAE. Khan told TOI that Dawood, the main accused in the 1993 Mumbai blasts, may have been forced out of Pakistan for problems he was creating for the government. Khan said, "I don't know where Dawood is now. He was in Pakistan. I believe he was chased out. My feeling is he is in the UAE right now".

Khan, who was the former foreign secretary of Pakistan, added, "He should be hounded out. We can't allow gangsters like him to target both Pakistan and operate against other countries. Nawaz Sharif is very much in favour of strong action against criminals who have settled in Pakistan".

India has failed to get Pakistan admit to hosting Dawood for all these years.

Khan, who recently met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, also admitted that Pakistan needs to lock down 26/11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed and ca n't allow him to walk freely on the streets of Lahore.

He told TOI, "Mr Sharif realizes something needs to be done about Hafiz Saeed. We have to impose the law and take him in for inciting people against India".

Hafiz Saeed led the Eid prayers at the famous Gaddafi stadium in Pakistan on Friday, hours after the Jamat-ud-Dawah chief tweeted that "time is near when those oppressed in Kashmir, Palestine and Burma will celebrate Eid in the air of Freedom".

The Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) founder carries a $10 million bounty on his head.

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